Friday, September 25, 2009

GTheory Pin-up by Chris Monroe

And it arrives. The latest image from the HBC databanks.

G Theory,Hallboy Comics,Promotion

Art by Chris Monroe
To Find out more about the artist visit his website:

This is from the property G Theory,
To find out more about G Theory click the icon below.

G Theory

As always, more to come.

Hallboy Icon


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

For Your Eyes Only!

What/who could this be?

Hard at work bringing you the hotness,

More to come.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

CJ Atom by Meiken!!

CJ Atom by meiken by =Hallspace on deviantART

Introducing CJ Atom!!!
and the crowd goes wild!!!!

I commissioned a very talented artist over at Deviant Art by the name of Meiken to draw a picture of CJ Atom, this is what presented me with this morning, and I love it.
Really captures her flair and attitude.
I hope I can get more work from this artist here soon.
Her website is here:

Peace, Love and Soul people.
(I'm working on an exit line that is uniquely mine, for now bear with me as a cycle through these)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I like to share, but I hold a lot of my cards close because I know that I am sitting on a lot of incomplete product, characters that are unfinished, art without color, words without a script. My life is a perpetual unfinished work of art.

But sometimes I remember to reveal little by little and see what the world thinks, so here, let me know what you think of this:

Any feedback is welcome. Thanks.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Welcome to a new blog same as the old blog.

We are currently int he midst of re-branding the website, which means we are moving some things over from Wordpress to Blogger. My webmaster, also known as my beautiful wife, has decided that this is the best medium for maintaining the branding and such and so.

So welcome to the new blog that will be the home for Hallboy Comics. Stay tuned to this blog for more information for the Hallboy Comics Website.

Check out the Hallboy Comics website.